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.b\ CITYDESK.EXE is a utility program for use with Epson (tm) and
.b\compatible dot matrix printers. There is a very good chance that this may
.b\not function properly on the LQ series printers but it is known to work very
.b\well with the FX series. CITYDESK is a shareware approach to desk top
.b\publishing in a simplified way. It allows one to prepare text files with
.b\word processors which produce clean ASCII files such as PC-WRITE (c). The
.b\files may include some limited dot (.) commands which will allow for bold
.b\typeface such as this paragraph, under-lining as with the title, and Italic
.b\type face. Combinations are also available up to bold under-lined italic.
The dot (.) commands are used by placing them at the beginning of each
line. Each dot command must begin with a dot (.) or period on the keyboard.
Each dot command must end with the backslash "\" at the left of the
keyboard. For example [.bui\] will be executed for the next few lines to
.bui\illustrate the use of bold underlined italic printing. By the same
.bui\method using just the command [.bi\] the following line will be in
.bi\just bold italic. These commands are provided so that one can add
.b\Emphasis in printing newsletters. Dot commands function for one complete
~ ~bu\Tilde commands| may be used within a single line to create
~emphasis with a single word or one phrase. ~b\Tilde| commands are used in a
~similar way to dot (.) commands. Only now you must alert ~b\CITYDESK| to
~the fact that an in line type change is expected by placing a ~bu\Tilde|
in the zero-th position of the line. Then immediately before the word or
~phrase to be ~bi\emphasized you will place another Tilde| followed by
~the ~b\B U or I| emphasis desired or any combination of them and close the
~command with the ~b\backslash (\)| key. To mark the end of emphasis you
~will place the ~bu\broken vertical bar symbol| at the end of the phrase.
.bu\Note: With version 1.0 Tilde commands may only be used once in a line!
~ ~bu\Centering|
~ Centering can be achieved in the normal way provided the ~b\Tilde| command
is located at the zero-th. position of a line. If underlining was on with
the dot command the whole left portion of the line would also be underlined.
Underlining is most effective for paragraph or subsection titling.
.bu\It can also be effective for emphasis in a single line such as this!
CITYDESK.EXE should be located in a subdirectory which is part of the
active path on your computer or it may be called from A: or B: by typing
A:CITYDESK or B:CITYDESK. After booting, it will beep the printer to alert
you that it is active (printer should be on-line before booting). This
first version of CITYDESK will address only LPT1: as the printer device.
If you don't hear the beep and you cannot configure your printer as LPT1:,
I am sorry but this program wont work for you.
The program will request the name of the document or text file which
you have prepared using dot commands (optionally). It will then ask if you
would like to have a single banner line (centered) across the top of the
first page. If yes, you will be asked to enter the text. If the text line
is less than 41 characters, you will be given the option of printing it in
double-width type style. The printer will immediately execute the banner
line. You will then be given the option of numbering the pages (centered at
the bottom.) A very brief pause will follow while the program reads the
beginning of the document file. After printing begins it's best to let
"sleeping dogs lie." Continuous printing of all the pages will follow. When
the computer has sent the last of the information to the printer, the
warning message flashing in bright white will appear. This is to caution
you not to commence another project until the printer buffer is empty and
printing ceases.
.b\ This is a beginning and I hope to continue to expand this project in
.b\the near future. The author of this program is not resonsible for its
.b\performance on your computer or printer or any consequences which may
.b\result from its use by you. It is offered in good faith and has been tested
.b\on several compatible systems.
.B\ produces the line which follows with bold type.
.U\ produces the line which follows with underlining.
.I\ produces the line which follows with Italic type.
.b\The commands may be concatinated up to all three provided the command
.b\begins with a dot (.) and ends with a backslash "\". Example: .BIU\
.b\Both upper and lower case are honored so .biu\ will create the same result.
.B\ Begin each line with a Tilde (~)
.B\ Immediately before a word or phrase enter another tilde
~ Followed by the choice of ~BU\B U or I| or all three.
~ Close the tilde command with a ~b\Backslash (\).|
.B\ Mark the end of emphasis with a Broken Bar (|).
.b\ Example: ~The quick ~bu\brown fox| jumped over the fence. Will produce:
~ The quick ~bu\brown fox| jumped over the fence.
.bu\ Note: Tilde commands may not be used in conjunction with dot commands.
.b\If you find this utility of value and would like to encourage me to
.b\continue efforts in this area, encouragement may be sent to:
.b\Robert S. Shaw
.b\3696 Marquis Lane
.b\Huntingdon Valley, Pa. 19006
.b\CITYDESK.ARC, CITYDESK.EXE and CITYDESK.DOC are the sole property of GEnie
.b\and RSHAW and may not be distributed by any other Information Service.
.bu\You are hereby granted a limited license to give this program to your
.bu\friends provided no changes are made in the files and it is provided on
.bu\magnetic media. This material may not be sold or provided as a value added
.bu\option in any deal where monies are exchanged.
.b\Copyright 1986